Recent Treble Voice Commissions 28/7/2015 Title: Que Reste-t'Il? Voicing: SA and piano Text/Melody: France Levasseur-Ouimet Arrangement: Allan Bevan Published by: classica Music Publishers - C 040 EVM Retail: Long and McQuade Que Reste-t'il? (What Remains?) was commissioned by Artemis, Choeur de Femmes, of Montreal. The choir won a silent auction sponsored by the Association of Canadian Choral Communities at Podium 2012, and Que Reste-t-il? became the prize! The choir, under the direction of Danielle Maisonneuve, sung the work for the first time in May 2014, and the piece was published shortly thereafter. classica Music Publishers has a lovely description of this work on their website, and you can view some of the score there as well. Allan Bevan and France Levasseur-Ouimet have collaborated on a regular basis for over ten years. Dr. Levasseur-Ouimet is a gifted francophone songwriter who resides in Edmonton. View the score at classica Music Publishers
Iwan Edwards and Concerto Della Donna6/16/2015 ![]() Montreal's outstanding women's choir Concerto Della Donna is seeking out new directions following the retirement of their founding conductor, Canadian choral legend, Iwan Edwards at the end of 2014. One of the many things that I'm grateful for as a composer is all the fine performances of my music by Canadian choirs! But the time and care that Concerto Della Donna put into recording many of my compositions and arrangements for treble voices in 2011 really went beyond the call of duty. Their award-winning CD (Parlez-Moi: The Music of Allan Bevan) brilliantly showcases the group's wonderful voices, the superb playing of pianist Pamela Reimer, and the interpretative skill of Iwan Edwards. I'm wishing the choir well as they move ahead in the future and my sincere thanks and appreciation to Iwan Edwards. Best wishes for a fantastic retirement, Iwan! La chorale des femmes de Montréal Concerto Della Donna est à la recherche de nouvelles directions suite à la retraite de leur chef fondateur, la légende chorale canadienne, Iwan Edwards à la fin de 2014. Une des nombreuses choses que je suis reconnaissant pour tant que compositeur est tout l'amende performances de ma musique de chorales canadiennes! Mais le temps et le soin que Concerto Della Donna mis en enregistrant beaucoup de mes compositions et arrangements pour voix aiguës en 2011 vraiment allaient au-delà l'appel du devoir. Leur CD primé (Parlez-Moi: The Music of Allan Bevan) met en valeur avec brio merveilleuses voix du groupe, le superbe jeu de la pianiste Pamela Reimer et la compétence interprétative de Iwan Edwards. Je suis désireux chœur bien qu'ils vont de l'avant dans l'avenir et mes sincères remerciements et sa gratitude à Iwan Edwards. Meilleurs voeux pour une retraite fantastique, Iwan! Concerto Della Donna Listen to or Purchase the CD on I-Tunes CANADIAN CHOIRS ON CD – NEW RELEASES CHORALES CANADIENNES SUR DISQUE – NOUVEAUX ENREGISTREMENTS SUR LE MARCHÉ By/ Par Patricia Abbott Allan Bevan: Parlez-moi Concerto Della Donna, Iwan Edwards, conductor / directeur Pamela Reimer, piano Concerto Della Donna (2011) This CD is a very attractive compilation of SSA/SSAA songs by Canadian composer Allan Bevan, written over the past 25 years and all exquisitely sung by the fine Montreal group of young women, Concerto Della Donna, and beautifully accompanied by Pamela Reimer. On it you will find Bevan’s compositions, which took first prizes in ACCC’s Composition Competition (Ave Maria, Echo, Harp of Wild), as well as some of his Christmas pieces and folk song arrangements. The title track, Parlez-moi, is a recent piece and one of his two arrangements of songs written by Franco-Albertan writer/composer France Levasseur-Ouimet included on the album. The other is Dormez, from the secular oratorio, Elles s’appelaient Marie. If you do not know these pieces, know that this is all repertoire worth discovering and programming with your own equal-voice ensemble! Ce CD est une très belle compilation de chansons SSA/SSAA écrites au cours des 25 dernières années par le compositeur canadien Allan Bevan. Elles sont toutes très finement interprétées par l’excellente chorale montréalaise de jeunes femmes, Concerto Della Donna, et accompagnées avec finesse par Pamela Reimer. Vous y trouverez les compositions de Bevan primées dans le Concours de composition de l’ACCC (Ave Maria, Echo, Harp of Wild), ainsi que des noels et des arrangements de folklores. La pièce-titre, Parlez-moi, est toute récente, et elle est l’une des deux arrangements de pièces écrites par l’auteur-compositeure franco-albertaine, France Levasseur-Ouimet, inclus sur l’album. L’autre est Dormez, tirée de l’oratorio Elles s’appelaient Marie. Si vous ne connaissez pas encore ces pièces, sachez qu’il s’agit de répertoire à découvrir et à intégrer à vos programmes pour voix égales! Title: Your Songs (SSA and piano) Text: Joseph Mary Plunkett (1873-1916) Commissioned by: Women of Note, Patricia Rabson, conductor, Winnipeg, MB Premiere: May 4, 2014, Manitoba Legislature Available Through: Canadian Music Centre Commissioned as part of the choir's 20th anniversary celebrations. Joseph Mary Plunkett was an Irish Catholic poet who was executed by the British for his part in the Easter Rebellion, 1916.
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